OpenAI Releases GPT-4, A Multimodal AI Model

  • 15-03-2023 |
  • Ryan Wilson

Microsoft has invested in the startup OpenAI, creators of ChatGPT, a popular chatbot. The company announced that it had released GPT-4, an advanced artificial intelligence model with the ability to generate content from both text and images. This new technology promises to bring us ever closer to a more human-like experience with AI.

GPT-4 is a "multimodal" system which means it can respond to both text prompts and images. To start off, the text input features will be made available first for ChatGPT Plus subscribers and software developers who join the waitlist while they work on perfecting their image input ability as part of their research.

The initial version of GPT-4 comes with text prompting capabilities which allow users to input their questions and receive answers from the machine learning model. In addition, OpenAI also promised that it would soon offer image input features for GPT-4 in its preview research stage. With this feature enabled, users can expect even more accurate responses from their conversations with machines as images are said to provide additional context, which helps improve the accuracy of results returned by the AI model.

One area where GPT-4 may be particularly useful is in natural languages processing applications such as customer support or automatic speech recognition systems. By being able to understand both written and spoken inputs along with associated visual information such as facial expressions or gestures, these applications could become much better at providing accurate responses quickly without having humans involved in every interaction.


Overall, OpenAI's release of its latest artificial intelligence technology – GPT- 4 – is already setting a high bar for other companies working on similar projects due to its multimodal capabilities combined with its fully-fledged text prompting ability available right away. We can only wait anxiously now for when they will release their image-prompting feature so that we can experience an even more improved conversation between humans and machines!