A Terrible Ending to an Elden Ring Player's Quest Line: Ruined by a Giant Caelid Dog

  • 12-04-2023 |
  • Isabella Clark

When it comes to action RPGs, FromSoftware games are a genre all their own. Whereas most games often guide players to their objectives via maps or quest markers, Elden Ring and its predecessors allow for a much more free-roaming experience, where one wrong move can end the entire questline. Unfortunately for one Elden Ring player, this is exactly what happened to them when a Giant Caelid Dog got in the way of their progress. 

One of the questlines found within Elden Ring is that of Millicent, who is cursed with the Scarlet Rot. This questline involves plenty of combat, as the player will be fighting various special enemies, such as the gravity-defying Radahn. However, the beginning of this quest involves the character Gowry, who sends the player on a mission to find an Unalloyed Golden Needle. Unfortunately, this is not the end of this player's woes.

When the player entered into a conversation with Gowry, a Giant Caelid Dog, one of the many beasts known for their ability to phase through walls, reached through the wall and attacked Gowry, killing him and effectively ruining the Millicent questline for the player. As Elden Ring autosaves at all times, the questline cannot be salvaged with a reloaded save. 

Despite this terrible setback, hope is not lost for the player. Some users in the comments section of the Reddit post believe that Gowry will actually return at some point, with some even saying that he simply respawns. The players do encourage the player to take measures to prevent this from happening again, such as killing the Caelid Dog before speaking to Gowry. 

In conclusion, Elden Ring is a game that is not always forgiving to players, even when it is a mistake on the game's part. This player's unfortunate circumstance serves as a reminder to players to always be mindful of their surroundings because while some quest NPCs can return, most cannot.