Decoding the Most Gory Brutalities in Mortal Kombat 1

  • 09-10-2023 |
  • Ryan Wilson

When discussing Mortal Kombat games, one cannot ignore the thrilling Fatalities that come with them. The revamped Mortal Kombat 1 brings back the notorious Fatalities and introduces X-ray moves, which further expanded into Fatal Hits in MK11. This shift has led Brutalities to evolve from long combos meant to destroy enemies to moves that can end fighters mid-game. NetherRealm Studios have amplified the impact of Brutalities, making them as bloody as the Fatalities themselves. In this article, we will explore the most gory and graphic Brutalities in Mortal Kombat 1.

Shang Tsung - The Magic of the Spikes

Shang Tsung's "Stick Around" Brutality is not for the faint-hearted. The move requires impeccable timing and has to be performed when the opponent is in midair. Shang Tsung delivers a powerful kick that pushes the enemy into a bed of spikes. As the opponent gradually slides down, blood and guts spill out. This Brutality is reminiscent of the classic Fatality of the Pit where Shang Tsung uses magic and science to deliver a devastating hit.

Raiden - The Electric Overload

In contrast, Raiden's "Overload" is a nod to his power set and game moves. He starts by activating an electric field that stuns the opponents. He then uses lightning from his hands to shock and lift the enemy into the air. The opponent is fried for a bit before they explode in a gruesome manner, with blood falling onto the new version of Raiden.

Johnny Cage - A Cinematic Finish

Johnny Cage's "Welcome to the Party" is a spectacle to behold. This Brutality begins with Johnny Cage performing his iconic Ball Buster move. An action figure of Johnny Cage then appears on his shoulder, jumps onto the opponent, and burrows its way into the enemy's mouth and down their throat. The action figure is then detonated, blowing open a hole in the enemy. This Brutality is both terrifying and entertaining.

Reptile - A Feast for the Beast

Reptile's "Damn Tasty" pays homage to past Fatalities where he feasts on enemy flesh. The close-range attack has him grabbing the opponent, biting their arm off, and swallowing it. He then takes a bite out of the person's side. The sight of the Reptile bathing in blood, rubbing his tummy, and laughing sinisterly adds a touch of dark humor to the gory spectacle.

Baraka - The Monstrous Finish

Last but not least, Baraka's "Chop Shop" is a reminder of his monstrous capabilities. He starts by slicing away at enemies from a close range before impaling them with his blades. The opponent slides down his blades before Baraka slices them in half. The sound of blood leaking from the torso and the squelching noises reiterate that Baraka is a force to be reckoned with.

These Brutalities in Mortal Kombat 1 are not only gory and gruesome, but they also pay tribute to the classic moves and Fatalities of the characters. They bring back the thrill and excitement of the game, making them a delight for the fans.